The web's original easy-to-use JavaScript loan calculator
Automatically calculates your monthly loan payments
Usage Instructions
This automatic calculator figures actual monthly loan repayments from a financial institution offering the entered terms. Enter the loan amount, the loan term in years along with the stated interest rate (e.g. 7.25). When any variable is changed the amortizing and interest-only payments will automatically update. Clicking the [Reset] button will clear entered values.
Enter only numeric values (no commas), using decimal points where needed.
This calculator defaults to monthly loan payments. The following table shows the corresponding payments-per-year for various periodicities.
Frequency | Yearly Payments |
Daily | 365 |
Weekly | 52 |
Biweekly | 26 |
Semimonthly | 24 |
Monthly | 12 |
Bimonthly | 6 |
Quarterly | 4 |
Semi-annually | 2 |
Annually | 1 |
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